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The Reactive Mind

It’s amazing how easily we’re taken in by the things our ego-minds tell us and how we automatically default to believing that what we are thinking is truth. We immediately react to everything we see and hear around us, thinking that we clearly understand what we’re perceiving. But this is not the case, what we are thinking is not necessarily the truth at all.

When someone says something to us that we don’t agree with or that we don’t like, what do we normally do? We immediately project outwards and say that “they” are wrong or that “they” have a problem and we use what they are saying to further cement our personal point of view and beliefs. If anyone says something that we don’t like, rather than projecting outwards, take a moment to ask why we’re in reaction. If we are having any reaction at all, it’s about us, not about them.

As spiritual warriors we seek to take responsibility for what’s happening in our own ego-minds, rather than being concerned about what others are thinking and believing. Any idea we have about the way a conversation should look is problematic. In fact, the expectations we have about anything and everything regarding others is worth taking the time to investigate. The ego-mind drains us of our personal power and energy by creating fear-based reactions within our bodies. Every time we react to something we are being given the opportunity to perceive our ego-mind at work. [...]

If you want to be free, I encourage you to take the actions necessary to get past all the justifications and rationalization..s of your ego-mind.

~ Sheri Rosenthal ~



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