~Do You Know Your A B C s?~
by Marie T. Russell
A is for acceptance of myself and others.
B is for blamelessness and removing blame from my perceptions.
C is for compassion for everyone everywhere.
D is for detachment and letting others be themselves.
E is for expressing myself with love.
F is for freedom to be true to my divine nature.
G is Godliness, living it and seeing it everywhere.
H is for harmony within and without.
I is for intuition and listening to mine while respecting yours.
J is for journaling and writing down my feelings, dreams, and thoughts.
K is for kindness toward humans and animals too.
L is for Love, always and for all.
M is for mindfulness and paying attention to my thoughts.
N is for Now, the only time there is.
O is for others and loving them as they are.
P is for positive attitudes towards all.
Q is for questions and asking them as I go.
R is for response-ability in all of my life.
S is for serenity, my choice each and every day.
T is for thankfulness for the great and the small.
U is for Universe, the One I adore.
V is for value which I recognize in all.
W is for willingness to be the best I can be.
X is for x-ray and making myself transparent.
Y is for yielding to the flow of life.
Z is for zest as I live life with enthusiasm.
LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL:
~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~
~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~
~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~
~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~
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