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A Presence of Love


A Presence of Love
by Harold W. Becker

We are forever surrounded by love. From the rays of the sun that nurture and sustain life on our precious planet, to extending a helping hand to another in need, our existence is found within this unifying principle we know in our heart as love. Life itself is the expression of unconditional love and you are here right now simply because you are a magnificent presence of this same love.

The beauty of our journey is that we represent a full spectrum of sizes and shapes, colors and gender, beliefs and perspectives, while being ever connected in a common bond of unity through our heart. From the tiniest atomic particle to the brilliance of an imaginative idea that changes the world, it is love that guides our grand expedition in this experience of life.

We live to love just as we love to live. Each of us represents a wonderfully diverse and unique expression of our individual and collective potential to share love. This love animates and propels us forward to experience love in every aspect and facet of life. It is our deepest aspiration to embody this love since that is who we are at the core of our being.

Even when we choose to create the illusion that we are somehow separate from love, the potential to love remains in each moment. If we allow the perception of separation to last long enough so that we begin to doubt ourselves and this eternal connection, or even beyond to where the thought of fear intrudes, a simple recognition of our heartbeat is enough to remind us that love is right within our being.

You matter with each breath you breathe and step you take. Every action and interaction, thought, word and feeling makes a difference to everyone. No one could ever take your place and what you bring to this amazing tapestry of life is invaluable and cherished. This is the way of love. This is you… an amazing presence of love.


LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL:


~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~
~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~
~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~
~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~


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