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Showing posts from February, 2010

How to set positive affirmations - an easy 8 step approach

How to set positive affirmations - an easy 8 step approach by Daniel Britton Like many things we don’t fully understand, it would be easy to dismiss the power of affirmations, but enough respected and highly successful people use them that, they deserve investigation. Regrettably, many of us grow up with a set of beliefs about ourselves that are less than empowering. As we grow up we begin to put ourselves down for any slight failure, whether real or imagined. Our parents, teachers and other influential adults can inadvertently create a diminished self image and install a number of limiting beliefs. This is compounded by the numbers of times we think or talk to ourselves everyday in negative terms. The use of positive affirmations is a powerful technique to change that negative self-talk into something more positive. Leading thinkers and researchers on the use of affirmations include Jack Canfield and John Assaraf. Research on the effectiveness of positive affirmations as ...

Positive Energy & Positive Thinking for Your Health

Positive Energy & Positive Thinking for Your Health by Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, Ph.D. Positive thinking is an effective way to achieve mastery of bio-energy healing. Maintenance of a positive energy level in a healer's own bio-energy field reduces stress and emotional tension in the healer and in others. Positive emotions and feelings and a positive mental attitude can improve the quality of people's lives and heal their bodies of illnesses and stresses. On the other hand, negative emotions and feelings bring poisoning toxins to the organism. Strong negative emotions such as anger, spite, envy, jealousy, and fear make the endocrine system accumulate poisons in the blood. Anxiety, depression, and doubt can also cause poisoning of the blood. Passive and lengthy negative emotions are even more dangerous for health than active, sudden and momentary negative emotions. Negative emotions shorten the span of life. Treatment of physical symptoms with positive thoughts ...

Listening with the Heart

Listening with the Heart by Sharon Cheney, M.A. Lots of people are talking about what December 12, 2012 will herald. According to the Mayan calendar, on December 21, 2012 our sun will align with the center of the galaxy in the sign of Sagittarius. While many in the media are predicting this may be the end of our world, I believe 2012 will birth a new consciousness that will cause us to become more heart centered and compassionate towards ourselves and others and bring balance between the male and female aspects. I recently watched an excellent documentary called “The Living Matrix” in which many well known medical researchers worldwide were interviewed. This video suggested that our heart and bodies operate with the same principles discovered in quantum physics. In quantum physics, they have realized that we are not separate from our environment but are in constant interaction with it. When scientists tried to observe the interaction of two minute particles objectively they dis...

Stick to the HaPPy Networks

Treat your life as a television set, and when your thoughts project channels of unhappiness, hit the next button on your mental remote. Switch to something pleasant and Stick to the Happy Networks. Remember, you control whether your Thoughts are Positive or negative and with this choice, You Own Your Happiness. Alex Shalman LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~

Stop Procrastinating

Would You Like To Stop Procrastinating? By: Roseanna Leaton We all procrastinate over some things in life. I myself spent a couple of hours today procrastinating about a short trip to the market to get some necessities. Necessity eventually overcame my reluctance to take that trip, when my stomach began to grumble about being empty! What is procrastination? What causes it? In my case today, I just didn't want to go shopping. Well that's not strictly true; I was perfectly happy sitting at home, on the sofa, laptop on my knee. I didn't want to go shopping for everyday things. Had it been a trip to the shoe department, I have to admit I may have felt a little more enthusiastic. Had a trip to the golf course been on the card, I would have been out of the door as quick as a flash. Most often in life, we do what we want to do if at all possible. We search for ways in which we can do what we like doing and search with just as much effort to find reasons why we don'...

Positive Transformation

Positive Transformation by Owen Waters We are here on Earth today, separated from the memory of our Divine connection, with a mission to find our way back to that from which we came. People are awakening to that mission. This is the climax of the adventure of human life on Earth. We are becoming aware of our spiritual nature and beginning to explore the expanded realms of awareness which open up to us as we embrace the New Spirituality. Ahead of us lies the manifestation of all of the incredible potential that we have as self-empowered individual aspects of God. As we live our lives today, we face the great wonder that we are a part of a transformation that will be viewed retrospectively as The Great Change, or simply The Shift. To be a part of this transformation is to be a part of God’s plan for humankind upon Earth. This is the time when all of our past experiences are coming together to make possible one great climactic step forward in human evolution. When the Earth has ...

There Is Always A Good Side

There Is Always A Good Side Max Steingart Be an optimist and try to see the opportunity in every misfortune, not a pessimist that sees misfortune in every opportunity. The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole. You can develop success from every failure. Discouragement and failure are two stepping stones to success. No other elements can do so much for you if you're willing to study them and make them work for you. View every problem as an opportunity. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. YourDailyMotiva LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~

Power of Thinking Positive

Power of Thinking Positive - Use The Power Of Thinking Positive To Succeed at Life by Nick Stevens The Influence of Positive Thinking When a person is full of positive thoughts, life is just simply better for them. They seem happy, content and seem to attract the attention of a lot of people. You must have come across people like this in your life some day or the other. When everyone else is crumbling, they will instead just brush things off and move on with their life in full vigor. What is the secret to the happiness of people like them? The answer lies in positive thinking. They see the best in every situation. If they lose a job, they use it as an opportunity to find something better, if they lose in a relationship, they try to find a more suitable partner or change themselves accordingly. More importantly, people with positive thinking are well liked. No one wants to be around a person who moans and groans all the time. No one likes pessimistic people as well. Posi...

A Presence of Love

A Presence of Love by Harold W. Becker We are forever surrounded by love. From the rays of the sun that nurture and sustain life on our precious planet, to extending a helping hand to another in need, our existence is found within this unifying principle we know in our heart as love. Life itself is the expression of unconditional love and you are here right now simply because you are a magnificent presence of this same love. The beauty of our journey is that we represent a full spectrum of sizes and shapes, colors and gender, beliefs and perspectives, while being ever connected in a common bond of unity through our heart. From the tiniest atomic particle to the brilliance of an imaginative idea that changes the world, it is love that guides our grand expedition in this experience of life. We live to love just as we love to live. Each of us represents a wonderfully diverse and unique expression of our individual and collective potential to share love. This love animates and ...

Entering into Inner Peace

To really enter into peace is to die. Not a physical death, but the death of the mental and emotional identity with which we have been masking who we really are for years. How does this death of the busy mind with its ceaseless thought and the emotionally reactive person we think we are come about? Our old identity—our false self—dies to the degree that we listen to our true identity and choose to follow it. The choice is often painful because it is such an unfamiliar way of conducting our lives. It really is like dying. What has seemed so familiar—all we know ourselves to be—is let go of. There really is nothing alien to us in this death. After all, we have all been experiencing little deaths all through life. We died to the womb to come into the world. We died to the cradle to crawl on the floor. We died to crawling in order to stand. The whole of our life long, we are giving up one state in order to move into a more advanced state. Each stage of life is a renegotiation of how we app...

Begin with a Full Breath

Is there stress in your life? To paraphrase Zorba the Greek, “Life is stress. Only death is not. To be alive is to open the door and look for stress!” But the idea is valid. Stress is the signal that we have opportunities to grow or that we need to make changes in our lives. You’ve heard in all kinds of media and, possibly, from your doctor, that stress is bad for your health, as well. True enough. So how can we make use of the lessons and opportunities stress points out to us and minimize the impact stress has on our health? To answer that question, let’s contemplate what happens to our breathing when we are under stress. First, our breath becomes shallow. Second, that shallow breathing increases our level of stress. Third, our breath becomes shallower. Fourth, that shallow breathing increases our level of stress. And on, and on, and…. One of the most powerful things we can do to minimize the impact of stress on our bodies is to become conscious of what’s going on with our breath. One...

Create Consciously

"No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes." ~ Napoleon Hill ~ The law of karma is the law of cause and effect. It works unavoidably when there is no consciousness -- when we are not present in the moment. When there is no consciousness, the past creates the future. The law of Love supersedes the law of karma. It intervenes in the process by focusing in the present. In fact, one could say that Love is being fully present. When anything is initiated in Love in the present, the future of that reality will be purposeful, meaningful, loving and powerful. ~ The Inner Journey ~ "He who is false to present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when he may have forgotten its cause." ~ Henry Ward Beecher ~ Posted by: LINELLA BRECKENRIDGE

Acceptance and Surrender

Even within the seemingly most unacceptable and painful situation is concealed a deeper good and within every disaster is contained the seed of grace. Throughout history, there have been women and men who, in the face of great loss, illness, imprisonment, or impending death, accepted the seemingly unacceptable and thus found "the peace that passeth all understanding." Acceptance of the unacceptable is the greatest source of grace in this world. ~ From "Stillness Speaks" by Eckhart Tolle ~ Surrender is surrender to this moment, not to a story through which you interpret this moment and then try to resign yourself to it. For instance, you may have a disability and can't walk anymore. The condition is as it is. Perhaps your mind is now creating a story that says, “This is what my life has come to. I have ended up in a wheelchair. Life has treated me harshly and unfairly. I don't deserve this.” Can you accept the "is-ness" of this moment and not confus...

The Past is Gone - Experience the Present Moment

Yesterday is ashes. Tomorrow is green wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly. ~ Eskimo Saying ~ "Your experience of life at this moment is what your life is all about. The present moment is all you have; it is your gateway to manifesting your destiny in life. Your experience in the present moment determines the quality of your life. The present moment is all you have to work with to align yourself with infinite love, light, creativity, possibility, receptivity, harmony, beauty, abundance and perfection of the universe. This moment allows you to discover the true essence of your soul and higher self. [...] Your past is gone. You’ve already walked that journey. You have two choices: you can either use your past to learn more about the truth of yourself and your life as you go forward, or you can go forward carrying regret, pain and suffering from your past mistakes. Mistakes are there for you to learn the lessons of your life, not to punish yourself. Your soul wants you to lea...

You Are Beautiful

You Are Beautiful A positive affirmation of the wonder of the human experience. You are beautiful... You are a unique individual. A star like no other; past, present or future. You are on a special journey with a very important purpose. You are beautiful... You are part of that great oneness known as Spirit. You are also part of its particular manifestation that is the physical universe. Just as you are attached to every other atom and molecule of the cosmos so you are connected to every part of the Great Spirit, or God. Clothed in a physical body that in itself is a miracle of design and creation you have at your heart divine light. You are beautiful... Possessed of free will you have unlimited power to make your influence felt upon all that is. For every action of your will is like a pebble thrown into a pond. Its ripples spread across space and time changing that which otherwise would have been. You are beautiful... Having the power of love and compassion you use your will to b...