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Showing posts from 2009

Creation vs. Evolution

Creation vs. Evolution by Owen Waters Life is hard. Species can die. In fact, the human race would have died long ago if it weren't for the fact that our bodies are designed to adapt to a constantly changing environment. Evolution could be called adaptation, because the ability to adapt is the one feature that keeps all life upon Earth alive and functioning. In the laboratory, it has been noted that a frog can be heated in a beaker of water to a degree that would normally be fatal, but it remains alive because it has had the time to adapt to the increasing temperature. Had the frog been suddenly exposed to water of such high temperature, it would have been unable to survive. Charles Darwin, the pioneer of evolution theory, was a trained minister of religion as well as a naturalist. He thought long and hard about releasing his findings about the natural evolution of the species because he was keenly aware of the materialistic element in society which would use this informat...

♥ Trust Yourself ♥

Trust Yourself "I never know what the next lesson is going to be, because we’re not supposed to know; we’re supposed to trust ourselves to discover it." -- Melody Beattie How deeply do you trust your own guidance? Always trust that you know what's best for you. To move forward in your life, gather information from the 'experts,' consider how their advice relates to your situation and then act only on what feels right for you. What does your whole being (mind, body and soul) say ‘Yes!’ to? You are the only expert for your own life. "I trust so much in the power of the heart and the soul; I know that the answer to what we need to do next is in our own hearts. All we have to do is listen, then take that one step further and trust what we hear. We will be taught what we need to learn." -- Melody Beattie "Ultimately, we must learn to trust ourselves. When we do this intimately and intelligently, the world opens full of meaning before us. We f...

Shifting Consciousness

Shifting consciousness "The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness, and if we want a new world, each of us must start taking responsibility for helping create it." -- Rosemary Fillmore Rhea Below are 7 levels of consciousness that clearly outline a path for our evolving consciousness: - tribal and mass consciousness - one obeys the group and lives by trial and error - individual consciousness - one develops a stronger sense of self and ego - seeker’s consciousness - one asks questions and seeks independence - intuitive consciousness - one develops the heart and is becoming spiritually aware - group consciousness - one serves a higher good filling the needs of others - soul consciousness - one experiences spiritual service. On which level do you spend most of your time? What are you doing to shift to the next level of being? There are as many paths to understanding, awareness, peace, freedom, love and meaningful servi...

Belief Makes Everything Possible

Belief Makes Everything Possible In order to succeed, you must first believe you can. The only thing that stands between you and what you want from life, is the will to try it and the faith to believe that it's possible. The only true limit to your realization of tomorrow will be your doubts of today. The moment you carry the conviction of belief, in that moment your dream will become reality. If you think you can, you can.  

The Doorway to the Meaning of Life

  The Doorway to the Meaning of Life by Owen Waters Wandering through life looking for its meaning can be a heart-rending task. You begin life looking to your parents for meaning, then to your teachers and friends until, one day, you're grown-up, educated, and still clueless. You stand there, thinking that there has to be a reason why you're here on this earth because you are constantly haunted from within by a sense of knowing that a reason really does exist. If only you could remember what it was. At some point in your life, you look up from the hypnotizing clamor of daily existence and seek meaning in that which is above the physical realm of existence. In that moment, when your attention is focused on whatever higher consciousness may bring, you are receptive to new ideas and new information. My life has been spent in pursuit of the awareness that there is a whole universe of discovery within each person's higher awareness, just waiting to be e...

~Life in Little Slices~

~Little Slices~ You don't have to solve all the world's problems before bedtime. Yet there is something you can do right now. Do just a little, and it will make a difference. Then, do a little bit more. Life can seem overwhelming, and yet in each moment it is easily manageable. Take one moment at a time, give love and effort and value to it, and then move confidently on to the next moment. Live your life in wonderful little slices. Savor each one, discovering the unique opportunities for growth and fulfillment. All the while, stay true to your authentic purpose. Do what you can and don't worry about the rest. In each little slice of life, it's easy to be supremely successful at richly living. String those slices together, one by one, and the result is a beautiful life. Ralph Marston LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key...


Love yourself "If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?" -- Rob Bremer Thanks to the power of our inner critics, most of us have a very poor opinion of ourselves. Yet self-contempt merely keeps us miserable and stuck in our mediocrity. If we were to make only one change to transform the quality of our lives, we might try sending a little love our own way. "A critic is a legless man who teaches running." -- Channing Pollock "Unkind criticism is never part of a meaningful critique of you. Its purpose is not to teach or to help, its purpose is to punish." -- Barbara Sher "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." -- Buddha Infinite LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Lo...

I Wish I Hadn't Done That!

I Wish I Hadn't Done That! By Peter Shepherd We all do things we are not proud of, we wouldn't be human if we didn't. Something that affects others in a way that we would not be willing to experience ourselves. Sometimes we do something that we know at the time is wrong, but it seems like the best solution to our situation. Or maybe we are tempted to put our own interests first. Other times we may be carried away by emotions of anger or jealousy and do something out of spite we may later regret. Or we don't do something, like helping a friend in need, that we know we really should have. Alternatively we may have the best of intentions but things go wrong, we make a mistake or realize something we have done was harmful, even though we didn't mean it to be. These sorts of actions can leave us feeling ashamed and depressed, and we can end up carrying our guilt for years, but if we want to live happy lives, we need to take responsibility for the consequences of ...

~ It's Within You ~

All that you are, and all that you shall ever be, is already within you. Time is not needed to bring this about. You are already that which you seek, moving through time in order to give form and expression to your inner Divine being. Julie Redstone Infinite LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~

~What's Draining Your Energy???~

~ENERGY DRAINS~ If you seem to lack the energy to move forward, ask yourself this question. What is draining you? Are there negative habits or thought patterns that steal your energy away? Make the effort to identify them and make the commitment to change. Are there people in your life who drain your energy with their negativity? Choose to get yourself more often around more positive, enthusiastic, empowered and empowering people. Are you being constantly depleted by your focus on the world's difficulties? Challenge yourself to identify the positive possibilities that are present in every difficult situation, and remember that the future is what you make it. Is too much of your energy being consumed by a particular shortcoming in your skills or abilities? Take the time to make improvements in those skills, and transform weakness into strength. Whatever may be draining your energy, you can find it and successfully deal with it. Once ...

Love & Be Loved

Daily Reflection Infinite in virtue and Infinite in Light is the most holy God - the One who awaits Humanity's return with open arms. Blessed is the one who seeks the path of return through the willingness to Love and be Loved. Julie Redstone Shared with LOVE: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein Zero-Based Gratitude Perhaps you have heard of zero-based budgeting as a technique for governments, businesses, and occasionally individuals. Zero-based budgeting is in contrast to traditional incremental budgeting. In incremental budgeting, one starts with the budget for the last year, or other period, and prepares a budget for the next period based on the budget for the last period - incorporating whatever increases, or very occasionally decreases, are deemed appropriate. Zero-based budgeting begins with a base-line of no expenditures, rather than the base-line of last year's expenditures. Each and every proposed expense must be justified on its own merits rather that falling back on the argument that it was in the last year's budget, and that everybody expects and demands it. Most people's gratitude is incremental grati...

Tips to Feel Happier NoW

Ten Little Tips to Feel Happier Right Now 1. Smile. Raise the corners of your mouth. Pretty soon the smile will become genuine. 2. Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus your entire attention on each in-breath and out-breath. 3. Take a walk by yourself. Focus on each step and on your breathing. 4. Count your blessings. Make a gratitude list. Everyone has thousands of things to be thankful for. 5. Be thankful for those who serve you. Make a list of those you depend upon. Everyone has many people who help along the way. Don't forget those who grow and deliver your food, keep your electricity and telephone running, provide emergency medical care, and protect the safety of your community and your nation. 6. Forgive someone for something right now. Release the resentment and anger. This practice is for you to become happier. Telling the other person is a bonus. 7. Stretch your body. Do yoga, do qigong, or just stand and stretch. 8. Turn on happy music and dance. Don't stop 'ti...


Yes, You can have whatever you want. ANYTHING you can imagine. You name it. It's yours. Done deal. Zip, zap. Bing, bong. Ka-pow. Oh, but you have to go get it. K? I'll help, The Universe We're a team. I'll do the hard parts, but you gotta get us started. Schwing, baby. Shared with LOVE: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~

Into the Heart

Daily Reflection For every tear that falls from the eyes, a tear also falls into the Heart. There it moistens the fertile ground of Awareness, giving birth to greater Compassion and Love. Julie Redstone Shared with LOVE: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~


Masks Personality as such is false. The word "personality" has to be understood. It comes from persona ; persona means mask. In ancient drama the actors used to wear masks. Those masks were called personae - personae because the sound was coming from behind the mask. Sona means sound. The masks were apparent to the audience and from behind the mask the sound was coming. From that word persona has come the word "personality." All personality is false. Good personality, bad personality, the personality of a sinner and the personality of a saint - all are false. You can wear a beautiful mask or an ugly mask, it doesn't make a difference. The real thing is your essence. Personality is also a necessary part of growth. It is like if you catch hold of a fish in the sea and you throw it on the shore; the fish jumps back into the sea. Now for the first time it will know that it has always lived in the sea; for the first time it will know that, "The sea is my life....

~The Purpose of Life~

I Believe that the Very Purpose of Life is to be Happy. From the very core of our Being, we desire contentment. In my own limited Experience I have found that the more we care for the Happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of Well-Being. Cultivating a close, Warm Hearted Feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the Strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of Success in Life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for Happiness on external development alone. The Key is to Develop Inner Peace. ~Dalai Lama~ Created with LOVE: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love is The Key ♥ ♥ Be the Key ♥~