~Little Slices~
You don't have to solve all the world's problems before bedtime. Yet there is something you can do right now.
Do just a little, and it will make a difference. Then, do a little bit more.
Life can seem overwhelming, and yet in each moment it is easily manageable. Take one moment at a time, give love and effort and value to it, and then move confidently on to the next moment.
Live your life in wonderful little slices. Savor each one, discovering the unique opportunities for growth and fulfillment.
All the while, stay true to your authentic purpose. Do what you can and don't worry about the rest.
In each little slice of life, it's easy to be supremely successful at richly living. String those slices together, one by one, and the result is a beautiful life.
LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL:
~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~
~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~
~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~
~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~
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