Personality as such is false. The word "personality" has to be understood. It comes from persona;
persona means mask. In ancient drama the actors used to wear masks.
Those masks were called personae - personae because the sound was
coming from behind the mask. Sona means sound. The masks were
apparent to the audience and from behind the mask the sound was coming.
From that word persona has come the word "personality."
personality is false. Good personality, bad personality, the
personality of a sinner and the personality of a saint - all are false.
You can wear a beautiful mask or an ugly mask, it doesn't make a
The real thing is your essence.
is also a necessary part of growth. It is like if you catch hold of a
fish in the sea and you throw it on the shore; the fish jumps back into
the sea. Now for the first time it will know that it has always lived
in the sea; for the first time it will know that, "The sea is my life."
Up to now, before it was caught and thrown on the shore, it may not
ever have thought of the sea at all; it may have been utterly oblivious
of the sea.
To know something, first you have to lose it.
To be aware of paradise, first you have to lose it. Unless it is lost and regained you will not understand the beauty of it.

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