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Showing posts from May, 2010

Regain Clarity about your Individual Power

~We want to help you regain clarity about your individual power. Everyone has it. No one can ever take it away from you. No one can ever do anything "bad" to you. No one can  assert into your experience. Everything, without exception, comes only by your individual  invitation to it. Do you understand the process of asking? When you give something your  attention and it becomes your dominant vibration relative to the subject--that is your  asking. So, deliberate creating is not so much about looking out into the world and saying,  "Oh, there are things that are good that I want to create or attract into my experience, and  there are things that are bad that I don't want to create or attract into my experience."  Deliberate creating is more about deliberate allowing. Deliberate allowing is more like   deliberate vibration. --- Abraham~ LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ ...

A Belief is only a Thought You Keep Thinking

Abraham said it best "A Belief is only a Thought You keep Thinking"   Isn't that the Truth.   Our Beliefs are based on Thoughts we keep thinking over and over.   Our Beliefs stem back to childhood.  If you feel that a Belief you have is no longer  working for You, Guess What You have the Power to change that Belief.   Create Your own Belief System!!!   When You Create Your own Belief System You are in control and  at any time You can change what is no longer working for You by  Changing Your Thoughts!!!!   Today take inventory of Your Belief System and if a Belief no longer feels good to You,  Change It.    You Have The Power =)   ~Stassy LoVe~ Quotes from

Choices in every moment

Choices in every moment The same skills you use to create limiting beliefs can be used to create empowering beliefs. All you need is a meaningful enough reason. The same energy you use to make excuses can instead be used to take action. You simply have to want it enough. You are a full time, highly effective achievement machine. What you choose to achieve is completely up to you. You have what it takes to live your dreams and you have what it takes to ignore those dreams. You get to decide which it will be. Your choices are made in every moment, in every word, in every thought, and in every action. Those choices are driven by what you focus upon. The life you live is the life you choose to most vividly and consistently imagine. Imagine the best, without ceasing, and that's exactly what you'll have. Ralph Marston

What Really Really Matters

If you have a subject that makes you uncomfortable when you think about it, it means there is strong desire related to it. Which means it really, really, really matters. So finding a way to think about it and feel good is your work. But it is equally effective to think about anything else and feel good, and let it in. You don't have to think about money in order to let in money. You just can't think about lack of money, to let in money  --- Abraham

Giving to Others

Before You Get You Have To Give Max Steingart When you give to others you'll find yourself blessed. The more you sow, the more you reap. It's a universal law: You have to give before you get. You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest. The law works to give you back more than you have sown. He who obtains has little. He who scatters has much. Nature does not give to those who will not spend. You only get to keep what you give away. LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~

The Treasure of Today

~TheTreasure of Today~ The way this day goes, begins with you. The way this day goes, begins right now. Your attitude can make today a great one. Your actions can make this day an effective and fulfilling time. It all begins right now, with how you choose to see it. It all begins right where you are, with what you choose to do. There is enormous power in your hands right now. You have the power to put meaning, fulfillment and value in this day. Feel the power of your most beautiful purpose, and get yourself going. Make some steady progress, and keep it up. The treasure of today is here to be unlocked by who you are and what you do. Now, make that treasure yours. Ralph Marston LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~

Does Life Come with an Instruction Book?

Does Life Come with an Instruction Book? The Universe says, “Yes!” By Esther and Jerry Hicks The thought that you are focused upon in your powerful now has activated a vibration within you. Not only is the Law of Attraction the most powerful Law in the Universe, but you must understand it before anything else that we offer will be of value. And you must understand it before anything you are living, or anything you observe anyone else living, will make any sense. Everything in your life and the lives of those around you is affected by the Law of Attraction. It is the basis of everything you see manifesting. It is the basis of everything that comes into your experience. An awareness of the Law of Attraction and an understanding of how it works is essential to living life on purpose. In fact, it is essential to living the life of joy that you came forth to live. The Law of Attraction says: That which is like unto itself, is drawn. When you say, “Birds of a feather flock...

Why Does The Law Of Attraction Work?

Why Does The Law Of Attraction Work? Terence Young "The things that you want want you too" - Dr. Wayne Dyer, Self-Development Author Most people know or have heard about at least one person who seems to have everything they want. Not just wealth, but an abundance of wealth. Not just happiness, but an abundance of happiness; and not just love, but an abundance of love. How does a person get that lucky? Were they born with a "silver spoon in their mouth"? Were they in the right place at the right time? Was it dumb luck or hard work? Maybe it's none of those things. Maybe that person has learned how to visualize their success and happiness by tapping into the universal Law of Attraction. I personally know someone who has the most amazing ability to turn ideas into money. On top of that, he's an amazing "idea machine'. He can watch a TV show, or read a magazine article, or listen to someone else speak and come away with a money-making idea th...

What is it that I want?

Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion. What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want. . . . In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction will stop; and in the moment the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin. And—in that moment— your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the Process of Pivoting. --- Abraham Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~

Are You Avoiding Something?

Procrastination Marie T. Russell Things are sure coming to the surface lately. It seems that issues we have managed to avoid for years are now rearing their heads to be faced. Our way of dealing with reality, or in some cases of avoiding dealing with reality, come back to haunt us. Procrastination has been a biggie for me. My most common procrastination 'case' has been the avoidance of situations that I didn't consciously know how to resolve. Rather than face the problem, go within, and find a solution, I have, like the ostrich, stuck my head in the sand. In instances when it involved telling someone something I felt they would not like to hear, I put it off to avoid what I feared would be an unpleasant confrontation. I have procrastinated until either the situation was in the past and forgotten (I hoped) or, more likely, until it came to a head, exploded, and could not be put off any longer. In other cases, the task at hand seemed so boring or unpleasant, that I d...