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Showing posts from January, 2010

Relationships and Communication

Relationships and Communication Nicole Lavoie The single biggest problem with most relationships is that there are too many people involved. A romantic relationship is supposed to be two people in partnership sharing of who they are, sharing their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls with each other. Anyone who has not done their emotional healing is bringing a plethora of people into any relationship they get involved in. Some of these people include: parents, siblings, relatives; ministers, teachers, the junior high school bully; everyone that they have ever had a romantic relationship with; the Prince and Princess of fairy tales, the lyrics of songs, and the characters from books and movies. Just to think of how many ghosts are in the room, when two unconscious people are interacting, is Mind boggling. Anyone who is unconscious to how the people and events of their past have shaped who they are today, is incapable of Being present in the now and having a healthy relationshi...

As the World Rises

As the World Rises Heavenletters Someone has to step out of the mold, and I think that someone is you. Step out of the established patterns without fanfare. It is not that you give up the world. It is just that you start following your heart. Sometimes you haven't heard your heart. You haven't consulted it. You may not have even considered it. Many times you have simply followed along on a march that many follow along on and yet where your heart is not. Nevertheless, your heart is beating, and now you begin to listen to it. For how long can you neglect your heart? For how long can you follow a march that isn't your heart's beat? When you listen to your heart, your life may not seem so different on the outside, yet the path you have stepped out of is the well-beaten past. The past no longer holds you in its thrall. Love your heart, and love what it tells you. You are not, beloved, meant to be a marionette nor are you to pretend to yourself that you are. And,...


Many seek protection from all hurting influences by building some wall around themselves. But the canopy over the earth is so high that a wall cannot be built high enough, and the only thing one can do is to live in the midst of all inharmonious influences, to strengthen his will power and to bear all things, yet keeping the fineness of character and a nobleness of manner together with an ever-living heart. To become cold with the coldness of the world is weakness, and to become broken by the hardness of the world is feebleness, but to live in the world and yet to keep above the world is like walking on the water. There are two essential duties for the man of wisdom and love; that is to keep the love in our nature ever increasing and expanding and to strengthen the will so that the heart may not be easily broken. Balance is ideal in life; man must be fine and yet strong, man must be loving and yet powerful. -- Hazrat Inayat Khan, from Volume XIII - The Gathas, Part V Posted by: LINELLA...

Conditions of the Human Mind Come and Go

The mind exists in a state of "not enough" and so is always greedy for more. When you are identified with mind, you get bored and restless very easily. Boredom means the mind is hungry for more stimulus, more food for thought, and its hunger is not being satisfied. When you feel bored, you can satisfy the mind's hunger by picking up a magazine, making a phone call, switching on the TV, surfing the web, going shopping, or - and this is not uncommon - transferring the mental sense of lack and its need for more to the body and satisfy it briefly by ingesting more food. Or you can stay bored and restless and observe what it feels like to be bored and restless. As you bring awareness to the feeling, there is suddenly some space and stillness around it, as it were. A little at first, but as the sense of inner space grows, the feeling of boredom will begin to diminish in intensity and significance. So even boredom can teach you who you are and who you are not. You dis...

Live and Act in the Spirit of LoVe

LIVE AND ACT IN A SPIRIT OF LOVE Max Steingart The place to begin to improve the world is in your own heart, head and hands. To get along with others, love them without forcing your love upon them. Imposing your beliefs on people will not bring you peace. Have concern for others, respect their rights and freedoms, and let them be themselves. Do this and you will enjoy peace. Having consideration for others is the basis of a good life. Most people are not against you, they are merely for themselves. Let differing ideas clash, but not those of the heart. Peace comes to you when you live and act in a spirit of love. LoVe & HaPPiness to ALL: ♥Stassy♥Love♥ ~♥ Love Guides~Fear Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Anger Divides ♥~ ~♥ Love Guides~Hatred Divides♥~ ~♥Love is The Key ♥ Be the Key ♥~

The Secret of Good Karma

The Secret of Good Karma by Owen Waters Karma, in the popular view, is often perceived as the bogey man of Eastern philosophy, as the stick that punishes you for doing the wrong thing. In reality it is much simpler than that, and it carries no judgmental overtone at all. Karma is simply reflectance. Reflectance is a property of the universe. Therefore, life reflects what you project. This principle of reflectance or karma states that life reflects your beliefs, emotions and actions. The stronger these are, the more apparent it becomes that life is a mirror of whatever you project. Whenever you change the way you view life, the universe, just like a mirror, reflects your new view of reality. This may not occur instantaneously as, often, circumstances do not allow the new reflection to immediately manifest. In this case, the new reality is held, like a pressure within the aura of your body's subtle magnetic field. You then walk around in life, surrounded by this magnetic pot...

The Landscape Of The Soul

The Landscape Of The Soul by Sam Oliver Through the years, we accumulate a series of experiences. Our tendency is to evaluate and simply reflect on what we have been through and what we have learned. This inward site into what we can no longer see with our eyes allows us to see through them, and into, our soul. The landscape of the soul creates a movement and a synchronistic pattern between our heart and our mind through the inner visions of our soul. When the heart and imagination join forces to look back or look forward, we are deepening our awareness of who we really are. This deepening of who we really are is our soul. It has been said that "our hearts will not rest until we rest in thee." This is our journey in life. It is our journey home. It is the journey into the special quality of existence that brought us into this world. It is the journey of what is leading us through this life. And, it is the journey back to where it all began. One could...

Spiritual Awareness

Spiritual Awareness by Evette Gardner It does not take a great effort (or any effort at all actually) to grow in spiritual awareness. Just be aware, that's all. Spiritual awareness is simply about being mindful of spiritual Truths. You don't have to go around obsessing about these Truths to be aware of them. Nor is there really any need to constantly immerse yourself in deep thought in order to break through and "see the (spiritual) light." Spiritual awareness is not something that you can gain by force. You cannot compel yourself to become more spiritually aware, you merely have to be open to what is already within you. Are you aware that the sky is blue? Or that sugar tastes sweet? These truths, in general, are universally elementary. Realizing them does not take any degree of deep thought or obsessive contemplation. They are just things that you are aware of. You don't have to go around constantly reminding yourself that the sky is blue or that sugar ta...

Why Is Love Important?

Why Is Love Important? by Deanna Mascle So often we spend most of our time taking care of our physical needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised and rested. We also make sure intellectual stimulation and entertainment is a priority. Yet we also overlook the most important need -- love. Of course, as a society, love is not overlooked. Popular media constantly places great emphasis on what we need to do and how we should look to attract "love". But being loved is not as powerful an emotional need as that desire to love someone else. The need to love and care for others is built into us biologically. This need is what allows parents to forgo sleep, food, and sanity while raising their children. This need is what allows people to put themselves at risk to save others from natural disasters and human threats. This need is what makes human society work on both a small and large scale. Loving others allows us to put the needs and desires of ot...

God of Fear and God of Love

God of Fear and God of Love by Dr. Richard Moss Fear is the principal force that divides our hearts. It will continue to do so unless we increase the muscle of our attention and faith that lets us remain present for more and more of reality. When we consciously meet our fear, our faith grows. In the deepest solitude of ourselves, when fear has brought us to our knees and there is nothing left to do but surrender to it, we discover what has all along been supporting us. Fear is a great god, one that we can never defeat if we resist or react to it in any way. Learning to grow faith is an incremental process. I know of no one who has fully conquered fear. I certainly haven't. But I know that if, at the end of a lifetime, our faith has grown a measure no bigger than just the space between two hairs on our heads, we will have to a degree transformed the very fabric of reality for ourselves and everyone else. As this power to resist fear grows within us, we begin ...